John Bingham, running speaker and writer
I ran this weekend! I don’t know how far I went or how long I ran for. It felt like I ran for forever even though it was probably only for a couple of minutes. I was breathing so hard that I was wondering how long it would take me to recover. Whatever the distance or time elapsed was, I know this – it’s the farthest and longest I’ve run in a long time. I don’t even know when the last time was I ran; maybe in grade school or junior high?
Since I joined the gym, I’ve been so afraid of running. Can I run? I know I can’t run fast so is it even worth it? What will I look like when I’m running? I know I’m going to look awful and it’s going to be embarrassing – I hope people won’t be staring at me while I run. The one thing I hate about the gym is the mirrors everywhere. The last thing I want to see is how bad I look while I’m working out. Well, the good news is that the gym was very empty of people when I ran and I ran in the Group X room (where the classes are, except there wasn’t a class going on at the time) and Jeremy and I were the only ones in the Group X room. So the few people who were at the gym were probably not even paying any attention to me. J And even though I didn’t look in the mirrors to see what I looked like while I was running, I know it wasn’t a pretty sight. But I do know this…
yay!! i'm sure you look better than me- since i've been told i run like phoebe!
heather, i'm so proud of you... another accomplishment, another milestone. you just keep going- don't give up!!
So proud of you Heather! Who cares what you looked like! I think you looked like a woman who has come so far and who is confident in herself. That's what I think!
Heather you ran!!!! that's awesome, with each new thing you try, and believe that you can, I believe it's getting you closer to your goal!
You rock girl, love you.
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