Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Thanksgiving Challenge

This past Thursday (November 20th), I was training with Jeremy and was telling him that I’m worried about the holiday’s coming up and gaining weight. I wanted to make a plan that would help me combat this. So Jeremy gave me a challenge. It’s a two part challenge.

Part 1 of this Thanksgiving challenge is this – I had to lose 1 pound by yesterday (Monday, November 24th). If I lost the pound, then I could continue on to the next part of the challenge. If I didn’t lose the pound, then I lost the challenge.

The good news is that I lost weight. And not only did I lose, I actually lost 3 pounds!!! I was grinning from ear to ear when I left the gym last night. Now I am working on part 2 of this Thanksgiving Challenge.

Part 2 of the Thanksgiving challenge is this – Jeremy and I came up with a plan for how I can eat on Thanksgiving. If I follow this plan and if I lose 1 more pound by my next training on Monday, December 1st, then I win the Thanksgiving Challenge. The exciting thing is that if I do this, I win 2 free training’s with Jeremy!!!

I’m really working hard at doing this. It will be exciting at the next official weigh in to have lost weight and inches. Just as a side note, I think the inches are going to be down a good amount at the next weigh-in. It’s exciting seeing changes on the scale, in the measurements, and in the way my clothes fit.

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