Thursday, September 4, 2008

Idea's Anyone?

I’m sitting here at work. My desk is full of things I’m supposed to be working on. Instead, I’m watching the rain fall outside and thinking about all of the things that I’m doing wrong. When it comes to this whole losing weight business, the list of things I’m doing wrong is long. Even though I’m working on changing that, it still seems overwhelming. For awhile it seemed somewhat easy. Now it feels like constantly fighting against myself to do what is right. Even when I know what the right thing to do is, it’s a struggle to do it. I worry about it all the time. If you have any thoughts or ideas that would be helpful, please let me know! Thanks!!!


Anonymous said...

friend, everyone goes through that when they are trying to lose weight. you just hit a stand still sometimes. I don't have any amazing advice b/c i have fallen victim to the stand still every attepmpt i've made. but you are not like me. you are so highly motivated! you are amazingly incredible. you will get through this.... I can promise everytime i go out to eat w/ you, or we are anywhere near food, we can make healthy decissions together... maybe that will help a little. it's hard to always be the one getting plain grilled chicken and broccoli.... i've been there so many times! I love you friend!

kati said...

I will pray for you Heather. I know that changing habits is very difficult. You are very determined! I see so much strength in you. God will always give us what we need to get through the difficult parts.